Painters Point

I was edited out of another blog for daring to question the status quo. It seems some people just have to have it their way. Question them too hard and they act as though you have torn away their precious little security blankies.

Location: United States

I retired from an auto factory after 35 years of breathing dust, smoke, asbestos and God knows what else. Now I play with my grandchildren and ride my Harley when I can. Taking photos of everything and writing stories of my travels.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


If the influential people of a government, elected and OTHERWISE, decided it was in THEIR best interests to enact some measures the public at large might not approve of how might they proceed to implement their devious plan?

First they must identify those people most likely to rise up in rebellion. One must first identify thine enemies if one hopes to neutralize them.

Most of the influential and elected people are wealthy so they will go along with the plan because it will benefit them. The elected officials need the backing of the wealthy and the wealthy need the reassurance of the elected to retain their wealth and position in society.
So the government needn’t worry about the wealthy.

They have little to fear from the poor because they have neither the money nor the means to mount an effect resistance. Any resistance they might offer can be easily subdued by the military. More on that later.

That leaves the MIDDLE CLASS.

It is they who are fairly comfortable with their lives. They have decent homes in decent neighborhoods and live in the belief that tomorrow will be better and their children will have the opportunity to live a better life than the parents. It is the MIDDLE CLASS of people a deceptive government must fear most. They have some money tucked away. They are fairly well educated and difficult to deceive. Many of them own guns with which to defend themselves.

What is a deviant government to do????

It would seem necessary to first neutralize the threat of MIDDLE CLASS rebellion.

This might be an effective plan.

1) Find a way to eliminate a good percentage of the better paying jobs available to middle class.

Send those manufacturing and skilled jobs overseas to cheaper labor. That will reduce the earning power of the middle class. Downgrading their earnings ability will cause them to use their savings so they have less money with which to mount a defensive action. Never mind that they will be paying less and less into the IRS which the government depends on for income, the wealthy will help keep the government afloat until such time as the plan is in place. Besides the government can always raise taxes in other ways if the need arises. That will further reduce the ability of middle class to rebel. Promote some policies that will encourage them to overextend their credit. That will cause many of them to go bankrupt so they have to start all over again.

2) Place the entire economy in a recession. By whatever means works best. War is always expensive and provides an opportunity for the manufacturers of military hardware to make a fortune. That would be a good option. Send troops off to a foreign country where it will be expensive to support an army. Just convince the citizens the war is necessary to protect the country from people who might slip in and do harm. Never mind that the borders are as porous as a sieve and terrorists could just walk in.

3) To convince the people all of the actions being taken are for the good of the country exert influence on the media. Television, radio, and newspapers. There was a recent attempt to remove restrictions on how many media outlets any one entity could control in a given area. The change in the FCC laws would have allowed just one company to control all of the news in whole cities. Does that sound familiar?

4) Get the majority of the soldiers battle hardened by repeated duties in a combat situation. That way if the citizens should rebel, the troops will be fully ready to deal with the situation. They will be experts in the art of house to house combat, weaponry, and the new high tech methods not available to the public. The citizens won’t stand a chance against the fully modernized combat ready troops. Be sure to include the national guard troops as well. Remember, in 1776 the citizens and the government had the same type of weapons. This is no longer so. The military now has incredibly high tech equipment that a hunting rifle is no match for. It would be a very one sided and short lived rebellion.

5) Build numerous containment camps in every state so any who are foolish enough to rebel can be locked up. Since they are resisting the DULY ELECTED GOVERNMENT they can be treated as “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS”. They can be detained indefinitely without ever seeing a lawyer or family. Never mind that the government is violating the constitution. If the government is in control it can ignore all the laws it wants to.

Think this is all hype and paranoid conspiracy theory?

Try googling containment camps, New world order, or FCC rules change. It will scare you!

Consider what has happened to the price of food and fuel in the last few years. The price of gasoline has doubled in just four years.

Go to you tube and enter naked communism.

Go to CNN and look for the video “War on the middle class”.

Consider the proposed super highway from Mexico into Texas and northward.

The powers in office don’t seem to be too worried about us knowing these things, they talk about them openly. And so far, have not attempted to censor the information from the NET. That is how confident they are that they can shove these things down our throats and there is NOTHING we can do about it. Well, we CAN stop it. Vote the bums out of office where they can’t control us.

The stage is set, the clock is ticking. What will you do about it????????

Friday, January 28, 2005

Government of the People?

Lest anyone misunderstand me, I have no love for EITHER the Republican nor the Democrat party.

My experience in thirty-five years of working in the auto industry have shown;

1.) Somehow, by whatever means, there is a recession 80% of the time a Republican president is in office or the congress is a majority of the cater to-business-screw-the-working-class party. Mind you now that is an observation based on how many times I had to file for Unemployment. Tax breaks for corporations are increased, and the labor unions that provide security and job safety are attacked. To those who would argue that labor unions cause high labor costs, I say, "First examine the exorbitant wages and perks of the CEO's. Unions have given the workers a means to establish a safer work environment and better standard of living for the workers and their CHILDREN.

2.) Everytime the Democrats are in office, the handout programs increase as does my tax burden. There are numerous programs intended to help those who need it but they end up being abused because they are ill conceived and have too many loopholes that people exploit to the expense of all taxpayers.

It is time for some viable alternative parties.

What really burns me up is, if a modern day Abraham Lincoln existed he most likely couldn't run for office because it costs too much to do so. Ours has become a government of wealthy, law school grads who have little comprehension of what the average American faces. It was supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It has become government by a minority of wealthy, single-minded lechers who no longer represent a cross section of Americans.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Guantanamo Bay (of pigs redeux)

I for one am very uncomfortable with our government "adjusting" laws, regulations, status, however they did it to reclassify the terrorists to something that doesn't allow them to have lawyers, visits, etc.
I clearly understand they are there because they are highly suspect of being dangerous people so I don't want them roaming around looking for new targets to destroy, but denying them counsel is a violation of our constitution. If our present guardians of the constitution continue to find ways to circumvent that sacred document we are all going to be standing in raw sewage up to our necks. Or, we could end up in Guantanamo Bay next to those dangerous people!!